The condenser pump frequency conversion revolution plays a key role in the condensed water system automatic control loop. 凝结泵变频改造对凝结水系统中的自动控制系统影响很大。
The relation between the Condensed System and Salt& Water System; also, the application of Gibbs Phase rule to these Systems; 凝聚系统与盐水系统之间的关系以及吉布斯相律对这些系统的应用。
Technical Revamping of Gas and Condensed Oil Recovery System 瓦斯及凝缩油回收设施技术改造
The condensed water separated from the air-conditioning system of an airplane is sprayed in the cold side of the radiator, and the heat transfer and the state change of water in the process of its spraying to the ram air are analyzed. 将飞机空调系统中水分离器分离出的游离水喷到散热器的冷边,并对水喷到冲压空气中的状态变化过程和传热过程进行分析和计算。
Design of turret air conditioning system should take special conditions such as EMC, NBC, shock resistance performance, high temperature, condensed dewdrop, protection of system and so on into account. 炮塔空调设计应考虑到电磁兼容性、三防、抗冲击振动、高温、凝露等特殊工况及控制系统的保护等问题。
Development and energy efficiency of condensed water recovery system 凝结水回收系统的发展现状和节能效益
Exploration of Reusing Technology of Condensed Water from RO System 反渗透浓水回用技术探讨
The content of caprolactam in the condensed water from the evaporator is greatly reduced by improvement of the triple effect evaporation process. All of the condensed water is recycled to the extraction system. the recovery rate of caprolactam in the extraction wastewater comes up to 99%. 通过对三效蒸发工艺流程的改进,降低了蒸发冷凝水中己内酰胺单体含量,使蒸发冷凝水全部回用于萃取系统,萃取废水中己内酰胺单体的回收率达到99%。
Utilizing of the Surplus Heat of the Condensed Water on the Air Condition System 凝结水余热在空调系统上的利用循环回水余热的有效利用
The loss of available energy in steam decompression process can be reduced, the waste heat from condensed water of steam system can be recovered, and the energy grade of the steam of second evaporation can be raised and used again in production. 减少蒸汽在减压过程中的有效能损失,回收蒸汽冷凝水系统排出的余热,使其二次蒸发汽升高能量品位后,再供生产使用。
This paper introduced mixed bed ion exchange resin in condensed water fine treatment system leaked into turboset thermal steam water system and caused the boiler pipe serious scaling and the water cooling pipe explosion. 介绍了凝结水精处理系统混床离子交换树脂漏入机组热力汽水系统内,引起炉管严重结垢腐蚀,导致水冷壁管爆破的情况。
Study on the F-Si condensed system acid-base properties by surface free energy parameters 表面自由能参数表征氟-硅凝聚物系的酸碱性质
Based on the mean field and Bogoliubov approximations, we linearize the Hamiltonian of a nonequilibrium Bose condensed system, which is created by an external coherent pump field, and coupled to a reservoir. 基于平均场和Bogoliubov近似,将由外界相干抽运场产生并与库耦合的非平衡玻色凝结体系的哈氏量线性化。
DTA Studies of Phase Diagrams of the Two-component Condensed System of Benzoic Acid-Naphthalene 苯甲酸-萘二元凝聚系统相图的差热分析法
The Problem of the Condensed Water Recovery in the Steam Heat Supply System 蒸汽供热系统凝结水回收问题
Optimization revamping of steam and condensed water recovery system 蒸汽及凝结水回收系统优化改造
Polarized Raman Scattering Intensities of Uniaxially Oriented Molecules in Two-dimensional Condensed System 二维凝聚体系中单轴取向分子的偏振Raman散射强度
By employing proper transformations of condensed generalized coordinates and the system inputed, the vibration control of an entire system can be implemented by carrying out the control of a number of sub-structures, and thus the dimension of the control problem can be significantly reduced. 对凝聚了的广义坐标和系统输入采用适当的变换,即可通过执行一些子结构的控制问题实现整体系统的振动控制,从而使控制问题的维度显著降低。
A new device has been designed to measure the shock Hugoniot relation of condensed explosives and the test system has been set up. 3在国内外首次设计了用于凝聚炸药冲击Hugoniot关系测试的新型装置,并建立了测试系统。
Under the condition of resources of water is increasingly nervous currently, it has been an inevitable development trend that the dilute wet ash changes into condensed wet ash in the power station hydrotransport system. 在目前水资源日益紧张的情况下,稀浆改浓浆已经成为电厂水力除灰系统发展的必然趋势。
Recovering Lou-pressure Condensed water in Steam Head System 低压蒸汽供热系统凝结水的回收思路
Sensitivity Analysis of Influencing Factors on Resistance Loss in Condensed Wet-Ash Transportation System 火电厂浓浆输灰系统阻力特性影响因素的敏感性分析
Because the effects of transformation between the gaseous phase and the condensed phase are included, the system of fundamental equations is applicable to both equilibrium flow and frozen flow. 由于考虑了气相和凝相之间转化的效应,因而方程组对于平衡流和冻结流都是适用的。
By the analysis for the feature of different systems and the experience of project practice, the result shows that close recovery system is taken into account and adopted preferentially, in which condensed water recovery implement system is an ideal recovery mean. 通过对不同系统特点及工程实际运行经验的分析,认为闭式回收系统应优先被考虑和采用,其中冷凝水回收器回收系统是一种理想的回收方式。
Application of Cup Float Steam Trap and Heat Recovery of Condensed Water in Evaporation System the automatic discharge of condensate by using the combination of temperature control with time control instead of the steam trap for discharging the condensate in the press to decrease the steam consumption; 钟形浮子式疏水阀在蒸发系统中的应用取消硫化机冷凝水排放的疏水阀,实现由温度和定时控制相结合的冷凝水自动排放方式,节约蒸汽用量;
The choice and arrangement of press section, dryers pit, condensed steam system, vaccum system, QCS system and approach system are discussed in particular. 分析了提速改造中必须满足的条件,探讨了压榨选型、干燥地坑、蒸汽冷凝水系统、真空系统、QCS系统、流送系统配置的优化。
Diffusion Mechanism of Boron in Condensed System(ⅰ)& Diffusion of Boron in Metal 凝聚系统中硼元素的扩散机制(Ⅰ)&硼在金属中的扩散
Mesoscopic nano-systems are one of the most active study fields in condensed matter physics. As an important mesoscopic system, the transport properties of the quantum dot have attracted much attention in theoretical and the experimental studies. 介观系统量子输运是当前凝聚态物理学非常活跃的研究领域之一,量子点系统作为一种重要的介观体系,其输运特性在理论和实验上受到广泛关注。
The main contents in this thesis are: The effect of some factors to the size of lecithin reverse micelle in the food grade condensed lecithin& hexane system was studied by using dynamic light scattering technology. 主要包括以下几个方面:利用动态光散射法研究食品级浓缩磷脂和正己烷体系中磷脂反胶束尺寸的影响因素。
The analytical results showed that the condensed system has a steady perturbation solution, and reveal that the nonlinear transport of the condensate atoms in Gaussian potential case. 解析结果表明,在Gaussian势情况下,凝聚系统具有稳定的微扰解,此表明凝聚原子为稳定的非线性输运。